Working together, formulating community based public-private partnerships, C.R.I.S.P. offers the following projects focused on creating environments that help kids learn!
Most items are supplied upon request by a school staff member or by referral of a family through a local school or school staff member.
Other referrals come from local churches or community members who have identified an issue and have referred the family.
- a backpack and a basic set of school supplies
- additional needed school supplies available upon request
coats, boots, snow pants, scarves, mittens/gloves
a kids wish-list matching program
Kids make wishes and CRISP matches them to local donors
General Needs & Hygiene Items
Is a child in need of hygiene items or do they have other basic needs that are not being met?
Feel free to contact us and ask what might be available for resources.
- A project for foster and adoptive parents in need of clothing and supplies.
- Kloset4KIDS is located at the First United Methodist Church in Winterset, managed by Bring Love Ministry. Contact us if you need help connecting to this resource.