Bring Love Ministry
Are you struggling to provide clothing for your children?
Bring Love has a great assortment of gently used clothing in all sizes. They would be a great resource for those back to school wardrobe needs. The clothing is provided at no cost to you. Contact Liz at 515-554-1363 (best to text) to schedule an appointment.
Learn more about Bring Love Ministry on Facebook.

Mentor Iowa
Mentor Iowa is looking for mentors to be paired up with youth who are being referred in the Madison County area. The mission of Mentor Iowa is to provide assistance to abused, neglected, and delinquent children who are under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court Services. We do this by working in partnership with the children, their families and the community. Trained volunteer mentors meet 6 hours a month with the child with whom they are matched and introduce positive new activities, new places, new ways of interacting and new study skills. In addition, Mentor Iowa plans regular group activities where mentors and children can interact in fun, age-appropriate settings.
If interested in becoming a mentor, please contact Marty Lester, Executive Director for Mentor Iowa at 515-277-9797 or marty@mentoriowa.org.

Short Years Diaper Bank
The Short Years Diaper Bank supports families in Warren, Dallas, Marion, Jasper and Madison County by providing diapers from newborn to size 7. They welcome donations of all sizes, both new and open packages, as well as wipes.
If you need diapers or would like to donate or get involved, see more information here.

Winterset Paw Pantry
Winterset Paw Pantry is a food pantry located in Winterset Middle School. The pantry is stocked by the Foodbank of Iowa and the GENEROUS donations of the people and businesses of Madison County. Open the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 4:00-5:00.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.